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Видео о вреде копирайтных благоглупостей

Опубликовано 21 апреля 2010

The Digital Reader (When Copyright Goes Bad (video)) предпослал этому видео такую преамбулу:

Видео создано Access to Knowledge. Вот его краткое содержание:

For centuries, copyrighti law has existed to protect creative production whilst promoting public access. But the digital age is challenging this balance and fundamentally changing the nature of the way we produce, access and distribute content. Suddenly, copyright rules no longer do what they are supposed to do. They have gone bad.

This is a film about how copyright has become one of the most important consumer issues of the digital age; why corporate lobbying risks criminalising the actions of hundreds of thousands of people; and what the future holds for the fight for fairer copyright laws.

Теги: , ,
Рубрика: Авторское право, Новости, Публикации, Цифровой контент

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